Sustainability Solutions for Communities Business, Education, Health and Government

Robert has a BSc (UNSW) and an Executive MBA (UTS).
He is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and has worked with Local and State Governments for over thirty years.
He has been a Councillor and Mayor, Chaired and served on numerous sustainability focused committees and boards and has worked with Local, State and Federal Governments, communities and Universities throughout Australia creating sustainability focused partnerships.
Background and History
Robert Bell, Director
Working with Councils in New South Wales
Robert established strong relationships with regional NSW Councils engaging with 75 councils that have participated in various water and energy management programs.
The Water Loss Management Program was one example of a small group of engineers and a small management group. For very low cost, this Program generated huge on-going water usage cost savings. The low-cost high-benefit ratio far exceeded many large water loss management programs in Australia.
The on-going water savings of 5.5 gigalitres, 1 million Kwh energy savings, 1.4 million carbon emission reduction combined with significant increases in technical capacity throughout regional NSW has vastly improved sustainability of the water provider's potable water system.
Sydney and Surrounds
As Chair of the 26-Council Local Government Group, Chair of Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Robert worked in partnership with numerous councils for over a decade to deliver sustainability, ecological habitat, species protection, riverbank restoration and land acquisition for ecological protection.
As Mayor of Gosford for six years and Chair and Member of Gosford-Wyong Water Scheme for 25 years, Robert has a good understanding of the scale and intricacies of both water management and joint council projects management.

Evaporative Air Cooler installed - new housing estate, Tamworth, NSW, 2015

Water Reduction Evaporative Air Coolers (EAC) 2012
Robert was one of a number of partners brought together to develop this project. Australia has over
1,000,000 EACs in use and coucil surveys revealed a significant water loss from the operation of the
units. Part of the project was to innovate to improve efficiency in both the public and private sector.
This was a 2-stage project:
Stage 1 - fully funded to evaluate the current EAC product efficiency and identify improvements for
both private residential and commercially used EAC units.
This project was a joint initiative between: NSW Water Directorate, Institute for Sustainable Futures
(University of Technology Sydney), Riverina Water, Dubbo City Council and the Savewater Alliance